Wednesday, January 18, 2012

why does my heart feel this way?

have you ever felt like there is no feeling in the world to mask the emptiness in your soul? that heart stopping panic that keeps you from's like if you move, your whole world'll end...but what do you do with the voice inside your head telling you to take that extra step?

it has always been about doing or not doing something...and you could find hundreds, even thousands of motivational quotes about putting yourself out there...but this is no standard text book approach..what do you do? your life seems a huge chain of irregular events...and no where in the course of history such events were ever's the human infatuation...the egocentric concept that your life is different..that what you're going through is unique and harder than anything anyone has ever had to go through before...

how do you cope with your current state of nowhereness? are an unknown place...dealing with...or at least starting to comprehend...what the fuck is going on in your life...what you once took for love was mere desire, craving, need...and that you have it in front of you...within touching take baby steps in order not to scare it away...

try to keep a clear, clean, honest heart...and...for just this once...use your instincts for something other than burning down bridges...they might shed a bigger light, but they sure as hell will narrow down the big picture...'s almost a quarter after one and i need you right now

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