Saturday, July 24, 2010

lights will guide you home...

...and i'm fixing myself

life's got a funny way to show you your place in the can never know when you're about to face your heart might be a photo, or a song or a movie...and you should be grateful if it happens when you're home alone...

suddenly you are drawn to that dark little place or to that memory you tried hard to forget or you remember the people you miss the most and that are far away...

it's pretty crazy how you wanna get away from a certain place and catch yourself actually missing it...and as soon as you go back you wanna leave all over again...

and you take a leap of faith...change the scenery, the people around you, your playlist, you give up half your bad customs and you start living while being alive...and feeling it...differently every time you try another side of your story...but you keep your dear still have the smell of coffee in the morning...but most importantly you now have that sense of belonging...not to a place, not even to a person...but to the feeling those two give you...

kids, as you lay in bed tonight remember the most happy thing you've ever lived and i'm telling you that it can get better than you go out there and allow yourself to feel...

sleep on it...i just woke up and a wonder awaits...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

can i has it?

have you ever thought about what you're ready to give up, or to compromise or to settle with when in a relationship?

it ain't easy to find that person who'll get your heart racing like the world's about to end...and usually you don't find him/she...they find you...when you least expect it...and they turn your whole life start doing the things you said you'll never do, cause they come as natural and you wouldn't have it any other way...

remember how it's a known fact that you should be like really careful with what you wish for?but extra special careful...cuz...that's might just get it...and i can assure you that when you get it [not IF but WHEN...cuz you will actually get it]you won't have the slightest clue what hit you...and it'll catch you completely off guard...and it'll blow you away in ways you didn't even think possible...and, at the same time, it'll put things into such perspective..everything will just fall into place and make perfect sense...and if you've wished for the right stuff it's gonna be a hell of a right, having all your being challenged in a way you never thought it could...

now...if you're a person that easily gets bored [like i do] this'll make you jump up and down with joy cuz you'll never experience a dull moment for as long as you embrace what just hit you...

so careful what you wish for...cuz my wish came true

Saturday, July 3, 2010


funny the way it is when you get yourself drawn into the most amazing thing that's happened to you in a while...

even funnier how you get to feel that warm feeling inside that even coffee couldn't give you...

you wake up one morning to the smell of butterflies and having your chest almost burst open with only have one day till your finals are over...the summery feeling that was crawling at you,now really got the best of you...pretty dresses...nice more smoking...tons of water...

as for me...i'm as happy as i've ever been...and it took a wonder to get me where i am now...