Monday, January 11, 2010

undisclosed desires

you wake up one morning to find yourself all grown up, facing life with its problems, joys and responsibilities...

at the end of the day you have the boy, the love, the happiness...

and you wake up...or...better're forced to wake up...cup of coffee right in front of still there...fighting for happiness...

try having a healthy relationship with yourself first...then go get the boy back!!!

as for me...alone...after what seems like for ever...doing exactly the things you don't even dare to think of...and when i'm done, i'm getting my boy back!

because I CAN


  1. de ce "nu si nu"? iti refuzi tie insati ceva? sau refuzi sa accepti ca viata iti poate refuza ceva? dupa finalul "because I can", pare-se ca a doua varianta e cea potrivita :)...
    in viata nu ni se indeplinesc toate dorintele, din pacate. dar intr-un fel e mai bine asa. astfel invatam sa apreciem mai mult dorintele ce ni se indeplinesc, cat ar fi ele de mici.
    imi place cum scrii...pacat ca e mult pesimism in ceea ce scrii...
    o sa te mai vizitez aici, din cand in cand.

  2. 'nu si nu' si uitat de unde vine...:P

    nu cred ca viata in sine poate sa refuze cuiva ceva...viata iti creeaza oportunitati...iar restul depinde de fiecare dintre noi...

    nu scriu ca sa fac nimanui pe plac...blogu asta e un loc pentru reflectii, refulari, pentru a-mi aduce aminte ori de cate ori il citesc de starile in care m-am aflat la un moment dat...sunt pesimista din fire si i'm keeping my hopes down...and i get everything in return!

    come back soon ;)

  3. n-am vrut sa insinuez ca scrii pt. a-i face cuiva pe nici pt. a place cuiva mai mult prin tocmai asta ti s-ar putea intimpla :)
    nu insinuez nimic - vorbesc doar din proprie experienta...
    keeping hopes down is reasonable. will beware you of falling from too high, if some hope disintegrates into nothing.but-there's always a but..or more - sometimes in your life, you dare believe you can fly.
    and if you fall down, consider it just an opportunity of learning how to stand up again :)
    sorry, seems I'm using the comment space in your blog for my own blog :)
    pe te rog nu ma considera o persoana fizica, ci doar o umbra (virtuala) reflectand, care s-a lovit mai mult sau mai putin din intimplare de reflectiile tale...
    o umbra perceptibila...dar invizibila..
    I`ll come back...if you want


    don't know if you read that...i dare take chances...even though i know it might hurt like hell...and i always follow my instincts...

    anyhow...i'd like to read your blog, provided the fact you won't be taking it as an intrusion in your privacy...and if you'd like to put the mask of anonymity aside ;)

    do come back!
    have a nice day,

  5. I`ve just been sending you a comment to the blog from sept, 1st '07.
    I'm afraid, I must disappoint you Maria: I do not have an own blog! Not this kind of blog.
    Sometimes, when I feel something burning in me, or something like "un dor nespus, desavarsit", when I feel as would fly, not only towards the sky, to the clouds, sometimes even in a dark hopeless hole, not knowing where I will be landing or what life is good for wihtout "her", then I'm looking inside me and discover words which I would never use or I never thought to be able to use them: lyrics!
    And sometimes I wright them down on a piece of paper or in an word doc on my pc. I throwed some of them away or deleted them...but I also kept a few an sent them her...
    that's perhaps the big difference between us: I wrote for someone specific, special, aswell for my self, to release myself from this "dor", but also to show her what and how much she means for me...
    I don`t do it anymore, a very long time, I was hope and helpless...
    Sorry, another foreign blog in your blog :)
    I´ll come back someday, Maria.
    Have a nice life.

  6. am vazut ambele stiu ce sa-ti spun...tot ce scriu tine de ce-am trait legat de varii doar una...deci n-as putea sa afirm ca te inteleg in totalitate...

    am observat si in tine o usoara nota de pesimism...poate ma insel...oricum...

    feel free to drop by anytime
    best of wishes,

  7. NU te inseli - probabil ca in fiecare din noi se ascunde un iz de pesimism, pe care unii, sau multi - cateodata si eu - incearca sa-l ascunda sub o masca de optimism..
    si NU, nu am pretentia sa ma-ntelegi. la urma urmei avem trecuturi, nu numai diferite ca si continut dar si ca lungime (al meu e cam dublu ca lungime fata de-al tau :) - si probabil avem si pretentii diferite de la viata.
    dar ajunge, daca ne regasim din cand in cand pe o punte de-ntelegere comuna (blogul tau?)...o punte ingusta, aflata poate deasupra unei prapastii sufletesti din care de-abia am iesit..sau in care speram sa nu cadem nicicand. Dar ar puta fi puntea si deasupra unei pajisti inflorite, pe care nu indraznim sa calcam, pt. a nu strivi vreo floare…
    NU si NU :)…si nu, n-o sa te plictisesc zilnic cu mine…si nici de fiecare data cand cad in oala cu melancolie
    Buna dimineata Maria :)

  8. in momentul de fata, cand tocmai am facut ochi, imi doresc o punde de tigari deasupra unui rau de cafea...

    de plictisit nu ma plictisesti...siiiii...NU si Nu!!! eu vreau sa mai aud de tine ;)

    got it?! :P

  9. cateodata, nici o scaldare in raul de cafea, in care cadem fumand puntea de tigari, n-ajuta sa ne trezim! ce mai conteaza ca fumul ne incetoseaza privirea...poate si gandurile cateodata, pe care nu vrem sa le gasim...sau sa ne gaseasca...
    ai reusit sa te trezesti?
    azi m-am scaldat si eu in cafea...parca m-i s-au uscat buzele te-atata cafea...

    I´ve got it M :)

