Tuesday, June 23, 2009

it's not a habbit...it's cool

you just have to get yourself together cause you're starting to lose it...

deep breath...that's right...in and out...

one can never have too much, love too much and get hurt enough... that's why people keep on trying to make it work...keep on hoping...keep on loving...

but sometimes you get to the point when you start to ask yourself whether it's worth to even bother...you know you've put yourself out there one too many times...you tried to make everything ok...to make things work...you gave the best of you...and from that point on all you can do is wait for life to follow it's course...it can only go two ways...

1. you can get hurt once more...and then you start to blame everything and everyone around you for what went wrong...you try to find a reason for what has happened to you once more...you ask yourself stuff like:
  • why only bad things come your way...
  • why bad things come only your way...
  • how will you manage to survive...
  • when will it all end...
  • how will it end...
  • should you end it right here, right now...

2.you find that thing that truly makes you happy...you feel that everything you've worked for is finally paying off...and everything you hoped for is coming true...but, since you're only human, you start to wonder stuff like:

  • what did you do to deserve this...
  • why did this happen to you...
  • how long will it last...
  • is it really true...
  • is it really happening to you...
  • what are you going to do once it's over...
don't worry...the first version usually happens, so you'll be ok just bitching about what's wrong in your life and saying to anyone willing to listen how big of a victim you are...

and if the second version happens you will be too busy wondering what will you do if it were to end, instead of just enjoying it...because you're too big of a stupid, conceited, self-conscious asshole to realize that you're happy for once, and you'll manage to get out of it soon enough...

so, either way, whether you get your way with it or not, you can bitch about what an unhappy and unlucky poor loser you are...

this takes me to what George Bernard Shaw once said: "There are two tragedies in life: one is not to get your heart's desire and the other is to get it."

so sleep on it...or you might just as well fuck it...

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