Thursday, June 3, 2010

heavy on my heart

Everyone's got baggage...and the trick is how you deal with it...yours as well as the people around'd be awesome to check them in a safety deposit box and not have to carry them around...i mean if it's a small one...sure...drag it around...say it's only THAT small...say it won't get in your way...but what happens when things get stuffy and you shove just one more little thing in that suitcase? about when you've spent your whole life building up a person...or a certain side to that person...and now all you want is to make that go better...different...but still YOU...or at least that part of you you like...

as for me...i''ve been having a hell of a ride these past few days...
catch'ya later...


  1. da, inima e grea, n-are cum sa fie altfel daca o folosesti... daca ai iubit, sigur inima e plina de regrete, frustrari, sau din contra, amintiri frumoase, clipe de neuitat, iubiri trecute... dar ideea e ca e plina... si odata cu varsta ti-e din ce in ce mai greu sa mai strecori ceva in ea... mediastinului ii creste presiunea si nu mai au loc iubirile viitoare... si te gandesti... sa traiesti in amintiri? sau sa-ti amintesti de iubiri...??? ma'nclin... un necunoscut...

  2. never said inima apelez cam tot timpu...and regardless if i have a boyfriend or if i;m in a heart's not filled with regret or frustrations...

  3. un suflet gol, pe cre-l simt mai greu decat o inima grea - pe care poate nu mai stiu s-o simt...hmm, incerc sa-mi dau seama daca te invidiez :)
    nu cred ca regret ceva - but my heart is full of frustration right now because something what I lost....or perhaps I never had it but felt as if it was mine....
