Sunday, May 2, 2010

pure morning

did you ever wake up to finding a complete stranger lying next to you? and as that happened...did you get outta bed running for dear life? then stopped as you climbed down the awkward stairs and lit up your cigarrette in the hallway...your heart racing and your mind trying to put all the pieces together, while wondering what the fuck happened....

on the other side of town a fairy pixie opens her eyes to the most amazing feeling...being that particular bed and in no other, waking up to the smell of freshly made coffee, already having a smile upon her face which could only grow bigger and bigger while she hears her thoughts spoken out loud by a familiar vice behind wonder she's smiling...

little girl...put out that smoke...catch a cab...and get your silly little ass home...and next time open your eyes before you spread your legs...

as for me...this morning is surely looking nothing but up and it's the purest lately...

waiter, coffee on me for everyone...


  1. frumos post'ul asta... deocamdata atat am citit dar mai am timp... nu stiu cum as putea formula un raspuns in romana care sa-ti potoleasca insetatul si extravagantul sevraj liric...englezesc. scrie si in romana, chiar daca suna atat de mult mai bine "You can buy me with a coffe" decat varianta tradusa... cu toate astea ma declar multumit si impacat cu ceea ce am citit. e ea, engleza limba altui neam dar atata timp cat exista o multime de romani care nu isi pot controla limba materna, nu pot decat sa ii felicit pe cei ce pot mai mult. ma'nclin...un necunoscut
