Friday, April 23, 2010

we have to talk...

this one's for the ones who had enough...

did you ever hear those 4little words that'll make even your worst nightmare seem nothing? have you ever felt like something's wrong with you?have you ever wondered why history tends to repeat itself?'s not the time to question yourself...but to find out what you truly want...analyze those patterns you see emerging once again...and make up your goddamn mind's not like this'll last forever...

you see yourself facing the same lines...same excuses...same feelings...just crawling at you...from different never know exactly what to expect next...and that's the beauty of fucking sleepless nights wondering...if only everyone could go back to basics...

if i could, i'd do it all over again in a heartbeat...just the same...over and over and over doubt about it...

as for the rest of you out there...would you? you'd be in for a treat...if you don't have the balls to do it, sure, i'll even swap places with you...

when does too much get enough?

in the end...what wouldn't a girl do for a good night's sleep and a decent cup of coffee??


  1. :))) intr-adevar!!! "trebuie sa vorbim..." awww, shitttttt... "trebuie sa fii serios si sa vorbim despre...noi" vai, la genul asta de discutii am fost corigent la fiecare relatie... "trebuie sa vorbim..." era semnalul ca iar am facut ceva rau... si intotdeauna ma lua prin surprindere... cand imi era lumea mai draga, introducea cele 4 cuvinte... si totul se prabusea... motive se gaseau, dar ma infioara si acum gandul unei discutii "serioase" ... in fine, amintiri, amintiri regasite aici, in cufarul personalitatii mele. Multumesc!
    ma'nclin...un necunoscut.

  2. daca o sa o tii tot asa cu laudele o sa ma gandesc serios sa fac ceva cu scrierile mele...short stories mai am pe cineva care ma impine de la spate sa do something about/with it
