Saturday, March 20, 2010


have you ever loved something or someone more than you could've ever imagined? the type of love so pure and honest it almost hurts? did you ever have the certainty that when you'll wake up it'll be there...waiting faithfully with it's incomparable and willing to enter your every give you get you going on a rainy day?

i have...and i'd like to thank it for being there for me...every morning of everyday...when even i had given up hope...

thank you, my love...
thank you dearest coffee


  1. I'm your coffee !

  2. (semnat: lawrenceSoft)

  3. i can't even begin to state on how many levels your comment has annoyed's just wrong and i'd appreciate if you'd stop making assumptions like these...

  4. poor coffee! (not the annoying one above, the real one, your best and most reliable friend in the morning :).
    we should not expect him to replace something or someone we miss or perhaps we haven't had yet the chance to met...
    I´ve just been drinking a cup of strong coffee, reading your thought to it...
    Even it will never be able to replace a thing, I can agree with you, that coffee ist irreplaceable :).

  5. "I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane."

    - John Green, Looking For Alaska
