Thursday, June 18, 2009

it's cool...i feel alright

heart broken
heart bend
heart split into two

have you ever felt soooo much, and yet not enough for one person?

have you ever loved so much it hurts? but not only one person...not only one dream...not only an idea....

because there's sooo much more out there...more than you...more than you can cope with...more than you can imagine...more than you can understand...

mixed signals...mixed feelings...mixed expressions...mixed up story in a fucked up version of what you wish you would be...

and you hope and you long for that feeling that fills your heart, mind and soul till the point you think you're about to burst if it stays with crave for happiness...

BUT...guess're searching for fulfillment in all the wrong places...

go deep inside your biggest fear...sink into the horrors of what may come your way if the worst were to happen...

then come back to the reality surrounding you...and're life doesn't completely suck after all...

find that thing that keeps you going through the day...find that place inside you where it's worm and cozy and stop blaming everyone around you for what seems to be a mess...

it's a chaotic order out there...all you need is the right pair of glasses and a big enough cup of coffee in the morning to see the order unravel in front of you

open your eyes....

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