Monday, December 14, 2009
where do all good people go...
and in the end it all comes down to waking up to the warm smell of coffee as you just realize what you did the night before, wearing his t-shirt and having his perfume carved in your skin...
but it's been a while...too long...and you miss it...and want it more than your morning cigarette...
is it just the mere thought of feeling it or the actual feeling?
still out there? well...too bad cuz i'm in here...where's colder than on the outside...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
doing it for the thrill...
the troubles, the sleepless nights, the panic and knew this day would come eventually...and as soon as you stopped trying to figure out hit you...
the end of depression, the end of an era...
suddenly the sun's shining again and coffee's never been're too old for all this shit...or are you?? you don't need all the drama...there was no decision for you to make after all...all you did was sit and wait...the world kept on spinning and you figured it all out in a heart-beat...
you're just doing it for the silly little adrenaline junkie doesn't matter where you get it from as long as you always have your fix on say you can settle down and stop...but it's stronger than's carved deep down inside you and as hard as you try you won't be able to get rid of might as well embrace it...
now go outside, grab a coffee, let it sink in and find your epi for the day...
as for me...sitting, waiting, wishing...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
where are the pixies?
si e se simte un aer ti-ai dori macar un strop de ploaie sa-ti inmoaie pielea...
cu o vaga ramasita de parfum de cafea in suflet si cu cana goala stai si te uiti in gol...incerci sa te asterni ipocrizia pe o foaie alba sperand ca asa o sa reusesti sa gasesti cele doua capete unde ti s-a rupt imaginea ultima data... forezi in amintiri...mimezi cauti
singura problema e ca in momentul in care ai renuntat, voit sau nu, la ce aveai si ai permis aceasta desprindere de acea perioada in care lucrurile erau ok e ca acum, cand incerci sa carpesti un sentiment, obeservi ca restul trairilor s-au destramat de mult...
si inca o data refuzi sa iti asumi responsabiliti, sa recunosti ca poate a fost vina poti sa te detasezi si s-o judeci la te roade...te consuma...iti mananca visele si orele de somn...te cuprinde o greata de tot ceea ce inseamna ziua de maine, care nu pare a aduce cu sine o noua sansa ci, mai degraba, prelungirea unei agonii...
si bati strazi intregi in cautarea unui material cu aceeasi textura si culoare ca visele tale...dar realizezi, asta daca ai noroc, ca asa ceva nu exista, ca totul e in capul se transpune in viata reala, ca pune stapanire pe tine, iti provoaca panica si iti rugineste si ultimul strop de speranta...
cu vointa redusa si visele oxidate n-o sa ajungi la echilibru...schimba datele problemei si ia-o de la capat...incepe o alta pagina...pentru alte schimba ipocrizia pe cinism...cel putin cinismul nu necesita un zambet fals si o masca...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
where to?
Instead of things beginning to look up, they went into the opposite direction and you find yourself filled with dispair...everything seems grimmer than ever and you get dragged against your will to the middle of fuckin' nowhere...
Now that you know exactly where you stand, you tend to analyze you're options and figure out where you're heading...but...
you're in the middle of fuckin nowhere!!! where do you think you might be going???
i suggest you start running around in's easier than just sitting's your fault you got there in the first's you're fault you're depressed...and, since you've got pretty much no chance in hell to figure out why you feel like a piece of shit, you might as well start might help to take the edge off...
ready...steady...WAKE UP!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
And here i go again on my own
Have you ever got to the point where you started to question everything you are, everything you feel, everything you wanna be? you're one a big empty one-way street? it might sound as a cliche but you're stuck in a place where no feelings can reach you...
You wake up to the same smell of coffee and it doesn't give you the kick it once used force yourself to find that one thing...anything, actually, that might move you...and you start to run around in circles and your perfume can't seem to cover up the stench of your dreams gone rotten...
And you try...God knows how much you try to get over yourself and start over once again... you begin to dig deeper and deeper inside yourself, searching for that thing that usually made you snap out if this pathetic excuse you've turned into...
Brainstorm your way out of it...let yourself feel...allow every little thing that comes your way to touch you and then cry it off...then put on that mask you thought you'd never have to wear again, smile your way out of this hollowness that has taken hold of you...
One can only sink that low...and as you come to terms with that, add some extra sugar to your coffee...just as much as you need to feel its flavor once again...Can you feel the rush?
As for me...i've been out of touch with reality and its surroundings for the past few months, but life, being the bitch that she is, keeps on calling it quits on me...
I'll live...would you?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
funny the way it is...
somehow...right the strangest way have yet another deja vu...only this time you're sure you've lived it before...and you thank whatever force might be up there that you're living it again...cause, for the first time, it feels so goddamn doubt about it...'ve taken another've put yourself out there...and it's fuckin worth it...for the first time you've got something you can count on...
and if you were wondering how i'm doing...well...i'm awesome... kids get out there...maybe..just'll be lucky enough to be half as happy as i am
Sunday, August 16, 2009
maybe i don't wanna be a shoe...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
does it remind you?
let it sink it...but it already can feel it in every cell of your body...the thrill..the excitement..the whole"i-don't-know-what-to-do-with-what-is-happening-to-me"...
you're out of air seems to enter your body...the only thing you can cope with is that, what seemed like forever, moment that you stared into each others eyes...
one look, one word, one touch, one feeling...a single chance...but you were just a too big of a fuckin' coward to do something about it...and now...NOTHING...
nothing to see, nothing to feel, nothing to hold you tight, nothing you can take with you when you go to bed...
but the sensation of what you have passed by lingers...and all these doubts form themselves in your head...making you analyze every single little detail of what could've happened if you had the balls to do something about it...
now open your eyes...see...someone is out there...someone gives a damn...but is it the one you want?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
it's not a's cool
deep breath...that's and out...
one can never have too much, love too much and get hurt enough... that's why people keep on trying to make it work...keep on hoping...keep on loving...
but sometimes you get to the point when you start to ask yourself whether it's worth to even know you've put yourself out there one too many tried to make everything make things gave the best of you...and from that point on all you can do is wait for life to follow it's can only go two ways...
1. you can get hurt once more...and then you start to blame everything and everyone around you for what went try to find a reason for what has happened to you once ask yourself stuff like:
- why only bad things come your way...
- why bad things come only your way...
- how will you manage to survive...
- when will it all end...
- how will it end...
- should you end it right here, right now... find that thing that truly makes you feel that everything you've worked for is finally paying off...and everything you hoped for is coming true...but, since you're only human, you start to wonder stuff like:
- what did you do to deserve this...
- why did this happen to you...
- how long will it last...
- is it really true...
- is it really happening to you...
- what are you going to do once it's over...
and if the second version happens you will be too busy wondering what will you do if it were to end, instead of just enjoying it...because you're too big of a stupid, conceited, self-conscious asshole to realize that you're happy for once, and you'll manage to get out of it soon enough...
so, either way, whether you get your way with it or not, you can bitch about what an unhappy and unlucky poor loser you are...
this takes me to what George Bernard Shaw once said: "There are two tragedies in life: one is not to get your heart's desire and the other is to get it."
so sleep on it...or you might just as well fuck it...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
it's cool...i feel alright
heart bend
heart split into two
have you ever felt soooo much, and yet not enough for one person?
have you ever loved so much it hurts? but not only one person...not only one dream...not only an idea....
because there's sooo much more out there...more than you...more than you can cope with...more than you can imagine...more than you can understand...
mixed signals...mixed feelings...mixed expressions...mixed up story in a fucked up version of what you wish you would be...
and you hope and you long for that feeling that fills your heart, mind and soul till the point you think you're about to burst if it stays with crave for happiness...
BUT...guess're searching for fulfillment in all the wrong places...
go deep inside your biggest fear...sink into the horrors of what may come your way if the worst were to happen...
then come back to the reality surrounding you...and're life doesn't completely suck after all...
find that thing that keeps you going through the day...find that place inside you where it's worm and cozy and stop blaming everyone around you for what seems to be a mess...
it's a chaotic order out there...all you need is the right pair of glasses and a big enough cup of coffee in the morning to see the order unravel in front of you
open your eyes....
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
i'm happy you're happy i'm happy...
you never know where it's gonna hit you next...this is for those i care about and whom i want to help and be there for...
it might seem like this night'll never go away...but it will...and tomorrow we'll laugh about it...together...i'm here...for as long as i feel i have CAN lean on me...
if you ever need someone to talk to...or someone who'll just do nothing with you...or someone to listen to the void around you with...
this one's for you...cuz you got under my skin...and i dare to take a chance with you...
keep your head way up high...and i'll be there to cry with you if you don't wanna be an emo
smile...there's a new day ahead...right after this night'll drift into the past...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pretend by Saturnus
With me, myself and I
Let's pretend well meet again
Pretend you knew me
Pretend you cared
Lets pretend we once kissed
With compassion
With heartfelt affection
Let's pretend well meet again
Let's just, lets just pretend
Pretend you're still... you're still my friend
Let's pretend well meet again
Pretend you knew me
Pretend you cared
Let's pretend we once kissed
With compassion
[just a little song i came across]
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Esti sigur?
si iti iei te apuci...dupa juma de ora faci o pauza de o tigara, ca muncit atat...dup-aia te mai intinzi la o poveste...mai dai 3 mesaje si 4 au trecut deja 3 ore...
continui sa pierzi nu faci nimic te uiti in gol si sa speri ca se va rezolva de la sine...
e dovedit stiintific faptul ca un rau nu vine fara companie...asa ca in momentul in care tocmai te-ai pus pe treaba incepi sa constientizezi durerea de spate, de gat, de tot...
si te apuca o sila de tot ce trebuie sa iti vine sa lasi tot si sa faci orice altceva, numai ce trebuie ce? pentru ca poti...
te trezesti dupa o saptamana de genu asta ca n-ai facut nimic, timpul a trecut, si parca nici nu stii cand dead-line-u de peste o luna e maine...intrii in incepi sa te agiti, sa dregi busuiocu pe ultima de student inventiv si care rezista sub stress...o sa poti...o sa reusesti...te prinde a nu-stiu-cata cafea sub nas, cu ochii inrositi de vasele de sange ce au cazut prada oboselii...dar nu si tu!!! tu inca poti...inca putin...atat de putin...
[acum vroiam sa inchei tragic, cu tine cu capul pe birou/masa de lucru/tastatura, dar NU
refuz sa fiu pesimista macar in post-u asta...]
inca putin...pui ultimele puncte pe i, tragi linie si aduni...
esti cine vrei sa fii? esti pe drumul tau sau traiesti o viata trasata de altii? dead-line-ul se apropie cu fiecare secunda irosita, si partea proasta e ca nu stii pe cand ai de prezentat proiectul vietii tale... asa ca mai stai inca sa o arzi aiurea?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
note to self...
fii prezent in fiecare clipa, si lasa la o parte atat trecutul cat si viitorul, pentru ca doar acea clipa te desparte de ambele ipostaze...
to be continued...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Now this is what we all need during finals :D

How many times have you begun to study for an exam and after 30 minutes get distracted and move on to doing something else, and at the end you are left with no other choice but to stay up all night studying for that final at 8:00 am? Well, Study Ball is here to solve the problem.
For safety, the Study Ball cannot be programmed for more than 4 hours. Minors should not use it unless supervised by an adult. It comes with a safety key for emergency deactivation.The Study Ball gadget is a prison-style ball and chain that you can program to keep track of how much time you spend studying. Once you’ve selected the desired duration, you chain the ball to your ankle and the manacle won’t come off until the schedule study time is up.
A red LED indicator displays the “Study Time Left“ and keeps you informed as to how much longer you’ve got to keep studying. The ball and chain are made of highly durable steel and weighs a total of 9.5 kg / 20.95 pounds, which makes it difficult to move while wearing it.
Simply sick
i'm sick of all the times i try to do something for myself and never get the chance to do that...
i'm sick of all the people i meet...because they don't give a fuck and i sure as hell don't either...
i'm sick from not sleeping enough...and from too much caffeine...
i'm sick and disgusted and disappointed of everything lately...
i'm sick and tired of beeing love sick...with no one to love...
and no....i DO NOT, i repeat I DO NOT give a fuck about how you feel
iesi...te plimbi...mori de cald, de sa iesi din te duci iar in locul in care totul e ok, in care te gasesti...te regasesti...te sa uiti de caldura si plictiseala...
dar iese ai ai unde...vrei sa fugi...dar nu e nici un drum inainte...aleea trecutului se-nchide strans in urma ta si iti pierzi si dreptul la te lasi sa stii, sa simti, sa vrei sa simti iar...
dai de un vid o tacere ramane nici macar te gandesti la ce ar fi putut cum ar fi fost daca....
doar scantei...scantei din ceea ce ai fost si din tot ce ai mai e permis sa te gandesti prea mult la ce a fost...dar, in acelasi timp, nu te lasa-n pace...
si vezi tot, ca printr-o felie de cascaval prea putin vezi nu e destul
cand ajunge trecutul sa fie destul?
cand se transforma totul in prea mult, dar nu suficient?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Me, myself and...I
I think... about every single little thing that crosses my mind...
I know... that you can never be sure of anything
I want... to be better than great
I have...huge dreams and expectations
I wish... i'd have enough time
I hate... snakes, carrots, waking up early
I miss... all the people who are no longer around
I fear... waking up one day to an empty world
I hear... the sound of life just happening everywhere around me
I smell... coffee...lots and lots of coffee
I search... answers and challenges
I wonder... how it would've been like if i were a man
I with no excuses, love with no regrets
I love... the idea of love
I care... about my friends and family...and about cute white polar bears :P
I always... act on impulse
I am not... interested in what others think about me
I believe... i can do whatever i want
I dance... in the rain, in the middle of the street, late at night
I sing... in private...for obvious reasons :P
I don't... take anything for granted
I write... when i'm angry, or in love, or whenever i feel the urge to do so
I win... when i smile
I lose... with my head up high, but, in the same time, thinking what had gone wrong
I dislike... people who are always late to a meeting/date/get together
I never... listen when i think i know what's best
I listen... to my friend's advices, even though i don't always apply them
I can usually be found... over the a coffee shop...out with my friends
I am scared... of heights
I read... between the lines...sometimes too much, i think...
I am happy about... every single little thing that comes my way
I dare... to put myself out there
I hope...for the best, when that's possible
I notice... small details
I clean... up my own mess
I express... part of my feelings through writing
I talk... to lots of people about whatever comes to mind
I go... out there and get whatever i want
I drive... everyone around me crazy if i don't get my way with something
I watch... all kind of teen movies :P
I dream...every time i fall asleep...and every waking second
I need... my close and good friend Teo by my side
I haven't... jumped off a cliff...yet...
I tell...people to take it one step at a time
I pick... on people in order to protect myself
I find... everything around me fascinating
I run... through my mind all the time, trying to analise everything
I quit... playing games with myself
I jump... to conclusions
I learn... how to keep cool...
I play... by my rules
I own... my thoughts and beliefs
I make... my own way through life
I live... life to it's fullest and then beyond
I bring... a touch of insanity in the lives of my loved ones
I open... myself in a heartbeat if i think it's worth it
I will... always follow my instincts
I suppose... there's always room for improvement
I vote...because i have the right to do so
I buy... chocolate, coffee, coca-cola, cigarettes, clothes, presents
I fold...paper cranes
I stand... up for what i believe in and for my friends
I can... do anything i set my mind to
I wear... my clothes, not the other way around
I smile... when i'm angry, i cheat and i lie:P
I cry... when no one can see me
I pray... all the time for my loved ones
I make... myself heard
I like... to take some time off and enjoy a good book once in a while
I move... back and forth between ideas
I swear... too goddamn much :D
I try... to be less impulsive
I draw... an impression of the world with my own tools
I expect... NOTHING in order to get everything i could ever think of
I work... hard and give my best to do things right
I admire... people who take chances, who put themselves out there and dare to make a difference
I adore... watching my little brother sleep
I fantasize... about the purest idea of love
I look... forward to see what's next
I cherish... my memories, my friends, my family
I appreciate... people for being there in times of need...
I treasure... everything that came my way
I could... go on and on talking about myself if i get the right vibe from the person next to me
Sunday, May 10, 2009
So...this is what? you get that all the time there is no present...and no past...just pictures in your everything is made-believe...voices...oh so distant voices...feelings...a certain smell you can't quite remember where you know it from...rushes to do..and live...and let yourself feel...but you don't seem to dare...cuz nothing can move you right about now...
and you try to have actually ARE enjoying the moment...every second of every step you take...the smell of coffee...the smell of your perfume...the smell of the crowded and never ending streets...but you can hardly smell life...passing you by...and, every once in a while, giving you the chance to peep to what seems to be your life taking place without you even noticing...
i tell you to be strong!!!get your ass out there and do something for a change...make sure YOU write the script to your life...make each and every one around you act on your words...make them feel like they're taking part in your play...get present in your own not...i repeat....DO NOT cut your life into not even think about giving in...'s over...go play...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
love, actually...
well...i guess the answer lies, not in front of us, but inside!
love is the ultimate thing you can achieve...mkay...maybe achieve isn't the right word...let's leave it at love is the ultimate thing...
love is the only thing we cannot have by can't just love yourself, you can't make love to yourself [that's called masturbation ;) ]...and it is the most real, yet uncertain thing in the hurts, and aches, and pleasures you deeply, but you feel can never know for sure, as in 100% what you feel/want/need/ sure as hell you can never know if/how much/for how long you love someone...and the cruel part is that even though you can't be sure, you demand an exact answer from your significant other..they don't know either!!!!
stop expecting things and make'em happen!!!!
it's all about love
love is all you need
so what are you waiting for?!?! get out there and....
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
it's a boy-girl thing
it's a known fact that, when in a relationship, one persone loves more and the other one recieves more...but what happens if you find yourself having all the love sucked dry out of you? what happens if you wake up one morning to nothing to impress you anymore?
you simply wake up...take a sip of coffee and a long look in the mirror...and you start getting ready for whatever it is you have to do that happens...something you have long wanted to happen but gave up any hope it will actually makes you feel even makes your day for a couple of moments...then you start reviewing what just could've handled things differently...or you could've ignored it all together...anyhow...the point is...that just for a feel it's gonna happen again...
you start thinking ahead, making plans, taking chances all over again...wishing, hoping and praying for the best...everything in your head...happening sooooo god damn fast
[take deep breath...think it over...stop second-guessing yourself]
no matter how hard you try you can't make it work all by up what if' maybe' nothing!!!
you are better off alone than being the person who ends up losing at the end of the day...
as for me...well...i'm moving on...head-first into the wall of life...taking chances and not giving a damn...untill there's nothing more to give, nothing else to lose, no one left to love...
de ce? PENTRU CA POT!!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
coffee spice and nothing but ice
you go out, you drink your 2nd coffee for the day...the day seems to drift further and further away from you...
you start drinking beer...lots and lots of beer...same faces, different find yourself smiling with no reason what so ever...
next coffee...afternoon...same old beer...friends...night out...home
next please...
Monday, April 13, 2009
just whatever might come your way because there's no chance in hell you could change the course of bad things about to a matter of only tend to make things worse...
take a step back...and look around it worth it to even bother searching for the future??'s ok...enjoy the ride
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Chimie analitica 101
i: toata tot --> - -
r: amandoi in totalitate --> 1 1
e: - - --> "NOI"
Etape de rezolvare:
-initial trebuie sa fie dispusi sa se implice total
-in reactie, fiind raport de 1:1, sa se consume tot, pt ca grijile, responsabilitatile si drepturile sa fie tot in raport de 1:1
-la echilibru se observa ca nu mai exista nimic din ce-a intrat, pt ca se consuma tot, astfel incat 2 devine 1, totul se imparte la 2, iar cei doi devin un tot
totul e atat de simplu pe hartie...but maybe, just maybe i've learned too much in chemistry...
Entry for September 01, 2007
George Bernard Shaw once said:"There are two tragedies in life: one is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it." tragedy is all around us, not to bring us down but to make us realize that there's something more out there, something worth pursuing, worth fighting next time you're feeling down, like there's nothing more to do, nothing more to say, nothing else left, just think of it as the lowest stage you could reach and start climbing your way to the top...
everyone searches for something...i guess what i wished for,ever since i could remember, is love...i had the opportunity to experience it in its different shapes and sizes...i wished to feel that love that would make my heart brake if it were to ended...but just living it...acknowledging its presence and power...feeling my soul as a half to a greater whole...just knowing it exists...
i got what i wished for...and, once it was over, it hurt like hell...i'd do it all over again without changing a thing...if this is tragedy...then give me all you've got!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
i fight when i'm down, i scream and i try...
SAU iti dai seama odata pentru totdeauna ca nu ai cum sa cazi mai mult de-atat, k it's as dark as it gets, si sa incepi sa te day at a time...
sau...alt moment...momentul in care-ti dai seama ca e o faza doar de moment, oricat de incredibila ti s-ar parea...da...ti se intampla chiar tie, chiar acum, si o sa treaca pe langa tine, idiotule, daca nu te bucuri de ea si daca o sa-ti zboare gandu in continuare la viitor, la accel nenorocit "cum o sa fie"...daca o tii tot asa o sa te transformi in persoana "cum ar fi fost daca" that what you want, or do you wanna feel it??
LIVE!!! not in the past, not waiting for the future... just live...right here and, especially, right NOW!!
live like there's no tomorrow...i've always guided my actions on the expression live with no excuses and love with no regrets and yeah...sure...i got down on my knees, i crumbled in bed late at night, i twisted and turned in doubt, i just sat there feeling enormous amounts of dispair, having the air sucked out of my lungs into the nothingness that surrounded me
BUT i've loved, i've always loved, truly, madly, deeply...even though it lasted a minute, 2 days, an year, a couple of months or a week-end...i'd do it all over again, i'd face the afterwards solitude with my head held up high, telling to myself it's the worst it can get and that it's only gonna get better from now on...
I've learned to live the "what's-happening-right-now" instead of the "what-it-could've-been-like..." or "what will happen if..."
and so i do...every second of every kiss, of every touch, of everything about YOU
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
i smile when i'm angry, i cheat and i lie...
oare contrariile se atrag sau cine se-aseamana se-aduna
in care am cam reusit sa rezum toate problemele mele existentiale din acel ajuns aici...nowhere, but still...a place like never before...
poate exagerez, maybe i just fucked it up big time, like only i could, maybe i dared to hope, to feel, to care just a bit too soon...
i found myself over this week-end, i found the girl with huge dreams, who wasn't afraid to speak her mind, to use her voice, to make herselfe heard...did the right person hear me? i'd like to think so...
i remembered how i used to be, good as well as bad...i remember what used to make my heart leap of joy and excitement every time i thought about it...after so much time wasted, i got a hold of a camera and started taking pictures again, i saw the city i now live in from a different point of view...behind the camera...i spent an amazing week-end...
i've started to analise evverything...good, bad, average things that are going on in my life, i don't wanna settle for good anymore, i want great
i'm still putting up a glass wall and despite that, i'm putting myself out there...once see if i'll make it this time or i'm just have to try again...harder and more determined...
i am up-side-down...i'm a mess, i'm happy, i'm alive, now more than ever
Saturday, February 7, 2009
E usor sa te-nchizi in tine si sa depui armele...e usor sa pari inabordabil, cinic si meschin...Dar, cum mi-a zis una dintre cele mai dragi persoane din viata mea, sa intelegi abandonul din dragoste e cea mai inalta forma de iluminare pe caro o poti atinge pe un anumit plan...
Iubeste!!! crede pentru ca exista si merita sa crezi, roaga-te pentru ceva mai bun, fa un bine fara sa astepti ceva in schimb, lasa-te purtat de ce simti si lasa orgoliul la o parte...Risca, viseaza, TRAIESTE!