Wednesday, May 30, 2012

dressed to impress

It's the season to be permitting you'll be strotting down a crowded street, perfect Diane von Furstenberg dress...awesome hairday...and Mr. Right within touching distance...

Let the crappy, crappy winter-spring-wannabe season well as your what ifs...

As the sun melts that cocoa butter off your legs, make sure you have the perfect teal peep toe pumps to go with that flashy attitude...

Seasons get to change so why won't you? Fuck the lawyers...let go of the ghosts of boyfriends past and enjoy your to-go coffee in a busy square with a pair of good old Tom Ford sunglasses on top...

That picture perfect day is yet to're stuck indoors...doing all those nasty things you refused to deal with ages ago...5 opened tabs...articles in the background...cigarette in hand and another pot of fresh coffee waiting in the kitchen...

Hold on to those happy thoughts...take a deep breath and get to it...when time comes you'll get to walk away, 3 inches taller and dressed to kill...

As for me...i'm living what you can only dream of...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

there is

it's all about that moment in time when it hits you...that moment when you meet someone you feel you've known for half of your life and everything you do goes...

and as cliche as it might seem...once in a blue moon it actually you were about to put your guns to rest, draw the line and go to's the mere idea of a happy ending that keeps you up in the middle of the night without even realizing the passing of time and space and emotions...

it seemed you were forever stuck in nothingness... stuck in your head...stuck on a thing even you couldn't quite identify...but it was the back of your head...restless...waiting...craving...

and as you try to shake it off...thinking it was just an hits you again...when you least expect it...

what you never knew was there popped up right in the core of your it a new found dream, a newly set goal or just a fresh pot of coffee...wrap your head around the idea that good things do come your way sometimes and hang on for dear life...

as for me...i'm awesome...get over it!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

this could be anywhere in the world

you're on your way home...or to that place you've called home for a while now...iced coffee at hand...cigarette in the ashtray..and 30 minutes to spare...

pondering upon life and love and a bohemian lifestyle no conclusion was mind-blowing revelation...just peace and quiet for the first time in ages...

it's time to say your good-byes and get on that'll be forever thankful for those amazing 12 days of complete relaxation and pampering...but now getting back in touch with reality is in order...

sad for what is to be left behind and anxious for what it's yet to come, you take a sip of coffee and force one foot in front of the other as you get on board...

there are no second chances and no what if's...keep your head up high and continue to smile as you face whatever is in store for you...

as for me...i'm fabulous and looking forward to what'll come next...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

procrastination and all sorts of issues happens to the best of us...always postponing tasks to the point of several sleepless nights to make up for the i'm-not-in-the-mood-right-now phase...

but you wake up in the middle of the night after what seemed like a month of freedom and no worries and start remembering all the things that were left unsolved...they keep hitting you hard over the face...and sleep...wide awake and half way across the try to calm down the nerves and all the anticipation that builds up to the point that you simply have to get up...and you start pacing...up and down the apartment...that doesn't seem to do the light up a cigarette and hope for peace of mind...sleep...

as you curl up in bed surrounded in smoke and worries, your mind seems to drift to another place..the place of pixies, unicorns and fucked up relationships...lately the more people you talk to, the more you're under the impression everything is unclear...we're past the typical relationships...there is no more boy meets girl, love, marriage's more along the lines of boy meets girl and girl's best friend and expects a threesome... romance is cliche and, nowadays, making coffee in the morning is considered the ultimate grand gesture...

now you have plenty of options out there...the sweet and thoughtful, the hardcore fetishist...the undecided artist, the loser, the geek, the what-the-fuck-is-he-thinking guy...and in facing those options with all the benefits and risks involved it all comes down to what's easy or what cures the itch...can you have them both all rolled into one?