Monday, June 20, 2011

shoes and other issues

it's like you have a pair of shoes..the pretty Louboutin you've dreamed for for ages...all the right things happened, you earned enough money and saved your ass off and finally got gave them their special place in your closet, wear them on every occasion you get and check in on them daily, just to see if they're ok...everything goes great for a might even think that that's the last pair of shoes you've ever bought...then, one day, you start checking out other shoes through the store windows...wondering how it'll be just to try them on...your Loubis will still be there for you when you get home at night, they won't mind, it's not like you're cheating on them or's just shoes for god's's not like you were supposed to settle down after the last great pair of shoes you're young, there plenty of shoes in the sea...what if another pair will fit you better, what if all you want is to be an inch higher on some Manolos??

and then...

you finally did it...someone took you off that shelf and brought you home...and such a pretty home,'ve got your very own shelf now, you don't have to mix and mingle with last years' are now the only red-soled shoes on the premises...there's no way she'll ever want another pair...not even those extravagant Jimmy Choo's...until one day...she comes home, her feet feel different...they smell like something you've almost forgotten...they smell SHOES..other shoes...she tried on something else...she's thinking about buying a new pair...or maybe, just maybe, she was just curious how it see no new bag, no box, no sign of intruders being brought back with her...but the smile on her face and the smell of new shoes linger...